Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's wierd

how some people can make you super duper happy just by BEING and some people get on your damn nerves for the same reason.

The people in my life who just live and make me happy ought to know who they are. I'm lucky enough to have a few friends and family that I choose to love and spend time on trying to help them.

Then there are the others.

Please stop breathing and spare the rest of us your drama.


Don't say I'm mean. You know you've thought the same thing more than once. I said it for you.

You're welcome. Although there's no need to thank me.

Still. You're welcome.

Monday, May 10, 2010

It's really hard...

to change yourself. I have a lot to change mostly I need to figure out how to live my life without feeling overwhelmed by everything. Even simple things throw me off. If I don't know what's going to happen I get all hot and sweaty. You know that first day of school or first game of the season type of sweaty? That's me...all too often.

It's a thing with a lot of people I think. No one likes to admit it. Most people I know walk around like they're in total control of their lives. Big fat liars. They lie worse than I do.

Lie to yourself lie to your friends lie to your family. Really just tell yourself the truth. Sooner or later it'll eat you alive then you'll be falling. Like Alice into that rabbit hole. Only I'm not so sure the bottom has anything worth seeing in it.

Cut that crap out.

And watch out for rabbit holes.

Friday, May 7, 2010

So I know this chick...

and she's pretty fabulous. When crappy stuff happens she always seems to pick herself up by the scruff of her neck, which might sound weird but it's true, and find a way thru it. She's my hero. I'm lucky to have her in my life.

Really a lot of chicks I know are slightly pathetic. it's like they can't do things themselves. it's not attractive to be that needy. It's not cool to not even be able to tie your own damn shoes. Ok maybe that was stretching it a bit but still. Grow a pair geez.

That's my commentary for the early afternoon.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm trying to "find" myself again...

b/c somehow I got lost. I think I made a deal with my evil doppleganger and we switched places or something. NO more of that crap. I know she needs to be weaned off the greatness that is my life, HA, so slowly I'll be back. It'd be rude to kick her out with no support.

We all know that I am not rude. Yeah shaddap.