Monday, January 16, 2012

I posted 10 days ago...

since then me has gone back into her hole. Anyone got a spot light or a beacon or something. I need help getting out.

Friday, January 6, 2012

It's a new year...

and I've decided that maybe I shoudl write more often. Maybe.

First let me just say that my best friends ever do not live anywhere near me. It's amazing how much someone can impact your life from thousands of miles away.

Second let me just say that this is short because it's late and I am tired. Goodnight.

Monday, December 12, 2011

When to delete...

P E O P L E. There comes a time in every persons life that they realize that some or hell even one of the people they trust, love, would do anything for really should go jump off a cliff and leave us alone. The hardest thing to do is to let go and walk away. It's amazing how life can change when you let go and walk away. It hurts, but the hurt ends and clarity comes.

At least it did for me.

Delete. It's useful

Friday, May 13, 2011

Slack ass that I am I do have a message...

If you feel like shit sometimes or all the time and not physically b/c you ate too many snickers bars, go talk to a professional. There's people who can help you. There's no shame in saying your life is sucking the LIFE out of you. I have depression I take meds for it that also happen to help some of my other MS related stuff, I have a group and I also have my Zoe. They can help. Just ask. And really if it's that bad just go to the ER, let them know that at this juncture you aren't liking yourself too well and would rather not be alive. They'll help you get the help you need. Don't feel ashamed. At least you reached out for help.

I'll Hi-5 any person for asking for help.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The weaning saga continues...kind of.

The little girl has the snots. How do I feel about that? Poopy that's how. Why? B/c she's never really had the snots. Why? Well, I think it's because she was recently weaned. She had extra protection, AND SO DID I, b/c of our nursing relationship.

I just wanted to post b/c if you're a mom with a nursing toddler or preschooler you've got me in your corner. Heck if you are nursing an any age kid I'm in your corner. Heck if you even think about nursing the kid you don't have yet I'm in your corner.

Just saying.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Do you think the doctor knows everything?

If you do you might be crazy.

You might be crazy if: You take a doctors' word for everything and never ask WHY.
You might be crazy if: The doctor says to take this or that med and you don't ask ANY questions about it.
You might be crazy if: You don't bring up questions or concerns when you see your doctor.
You might be crazy if: You don't demand excellent care.
You might be crazy if: You don't go in there with a pad of paper and a pen to write down stuff in case you forget or to keep a record.

I have issues with some doctors. Make yours do what they're supposed to. DON'T let them write you off as a wackjob or some paranoid freak. If it weren't for you they wouldn't have a job.

Monday, July 26, 2010

You know that feeling...

in the pit of your stomach you get when you're in love with someone? You hear their voice or smell their smell and you're stomach does flip flops? You are near them and your heart races? Your body reacts to them as if they're a drug?

The same thing happens...

When someone is gone.

How odd is that?